A pot Pourri Book, slide the cover for a while and let the fragrance fills the room, then close it and put it on your bookshelf.

Ideal for people who travel, a fragrant hotel room? Great!!

Price:50-00 usd


Scented pearl from pure provencal essence, again like above, perfect to put in a suitcase or a wardrobe or just in the open to refresh a room


A provencal Poet Pourri Doll- 60-00 usd

Great hanger great wood and a lower part made with provencal cloth filled with pot pourri

Price per unit : 50-00 usd

Very sturdy.


Our line of vegetal animals

Each item is 85-00usd big size

Each item is : 35-00 small size

Note that all above items can be periodically refreshed by pouring a tiny drop of our pure provencal essence

25-00 usd per 12 ml. Great quality\

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Sole Owner of the French Natural Company-1995-2001

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